



Would you like to be a sponsor at Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta in Seguin, Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast in Port Aransas, or Yellow Rose fiber Adventure?

We have sponsorships available.



Unless indicated each sponsorship opportunity is for either Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast or Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta, not both.

Vendor Refreshment Sponsor – $50 – Business card ad on the web page, and thank you posted in kitchen. You choose which event you want to sponsor.

Yellow Rose Fiber Adventure Sponsorship – $100 – Business card ad on the web page, Logo on passports, Website/social media URL on all Yellow Rose Fiber Adventure posts to Facebook/Instagram.

Bag Logo Sponsor – $150 – Logo on attendees Yellow Rose Shopping bags.  Seguin Only

Bronze Vendor Sponsorship – $100 – Business card ad on the web page until December 31st, Logo on welcome banner.  Thank you notices throughout show, Website/social media URL on all Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast or Yellow Rose Fiber fiesta posts to Facebook/Instagram. You choose which one event you want to sponsor.

Double Bronze Vendor Sponsorship – $225 – Business card ad on the web page until December 31st, Logo on welcome banner, logo on Yellow Rose Shopping bags, thank you notices throughout show.  Website/social media URL on Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta posts to Facebook/Instagram.  Seguin Only

Silver Vendor Sponsorship – $300 – Business card ad on the web page until December 31st, Logo on welcome banner at both Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta, logo on Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta shopping bags, thank you notices throughout both Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta shows.  Website/social media URL on both Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta posts to Facebook/Instagram.

Gold Vendor Sponsorship – $375Business card ad on the web page until December 31st, Logo on welcome banner at both Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta, logo on Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta shopping bags, thank you notices throughout both Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta shows.  Website/social media URL on Yellow Rose Fiber on the Coast, Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta, and Yellow Rose Fiber Adventure posts to Facebook/Instagram.

Copy and paste your website from the internet, including the https://
Copy and paste your Facebook page website from the internet, including the https://
Copy and paste your Facebook page website from the internet, including the https://
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your logo you wish to be shared.